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Daucus montanus
Humb. & Bonpl. ex Spreng., Apiaceae
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Present on Pacific Islands?  yes

Primarily a threat at high elevations?  yes

Other Latin names:  Daucus australis Poepp. ex DC.; Daucus toriloides DC.

Common name(s): [more details]

English: wild carrot

Habit:  herb

Description:  "Plants sometimes annual but probably enduring often for more than one year, erect, sparsely or much branched, generally 50 cm high or less, sparsely or densely hispidulous; leaves mostly small, divided into very numerous, small, narrow, obtuse and apiculate segments; bracts of the involucre much divided and resembling leaves; umbels many-flowered, usually rather open, as much as 15 cm. broad but usually much smaller, the rays stiff, very unequal; bractlets of the involucels linear; pedicels in fruit usually conspicuously elongate and mostly 5-8 mm. long; fruit about 5 mm. long, with dense rows of stout pale spines along the winged angles, the spines barbate at the apex"  (Standley et al., Part VIII, Nos. 1-2; pp. 38-39).

Habitat/ecology:  In Guatemala (native), "moist or dry, often rocky, brushy or open fields and hillsides, sometimes in meadows in Alnus forest, in gravel along streams, or a weed in waste or cultivated ground, 1,000-3,000 meters, most frequent at middle or higher elevations. A rather common plant in meadows of the highlands, often plentiful in overgrazed areas, since no animals eat the foliage"  (Standley et al., Part VIII, Nos. 1-2; pp. 38-39).

Propagation:  Seed.  "The burlike fruits adhere closely to clothing and to the hair of animals, thus aiding in wide dispersal of the seeds"  (Standley et al., Part VIII, Nos. 1-2; pp. 38-39).

Native range:  Central and South America (GRIN).


Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Chile (offshore islands)
Juan Fernández Islands
Isla Más a Tierra (Robinson Crusoe Island) introduced
Atkinson, Rachel/Sawyer, John (2011)
Chile (offshore islands)
Juan Fernández Islands
Isla Más a Tierra (Robinson Crusoe Island) introduced
Danton, Philippe/Perrier, Christophe/Martinez Reyes, Guido (2006) (p. 553)
Pacific Rim
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Central America
Central America (Pacific rim)
Costa Rica (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Central America
Central America (Pacific rim)
El Salvador (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Central America
Central America (Pacific rim)
Guatemala (Republic of) native
Standley, Paul C./Williams, Louis O./Lundell, Cyrus Longworth (1966) (pp. 38-39)
Central America
Central America (Pacific rim)
Honduras (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Central America
Central America (Pacific rim)
Nicaragua (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Mexico (United Mexican States) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
South America (Pacific rim)
South America (Pacific rim)
Chile (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Aisen, Antofagasta [n.], Coquimbo, Juan Fernandez, Los Lagos, Magallanes, Maule, Valparaiso
South America (Pacific rim)
South America (Pacific rim)
Colombia native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
South America (Pacific rim)
South America (Pacific rim)
Ecuador (Republic of) (continental) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
South America (Pacific rim)
South America (Pacific rim)
Perú (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)

Control:  If you know of control methods for Daucus montanus, please let us know.

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This page was created on 8 FEB 2011 and was last updated on 9 APR 2011.